martes, 20 de junio de 2017


                                                                   Original picture.

jueves, 8 de junio de 2017

    Hybrid animal 

My frankestein zebra-cowbbit

Reflection questions

      The strongest part (visual area) of my finished art piece is the extremely the different pieces of the body parts from different animals that I put on the cow, because I feel that every body part I used on it gives to the original picture a feeling of experience something different. The part of my art piece that can be improve on is the way the neck looks, because it almost looks like if the neck wasn't part of it. It can be improve on by blending it more and adjusting a little bit more the zebra's picture. The tools I used to create my work were the clone​ stamp which helped me to clone some parts to delete the original part that I wanted to delete, the layer mask which helped me to hide layers, the brush tool that helped me to paint over the images, he magic wand tool that helped me to select some areas to paint later, etc.

     The thing that was easy about this art activity was to choose the animals I wanted to use to create this work because it was easy for me just to think in what I wanted to create. The difficult part about this art activity was to blend some parts of the animals and to use the clone stamp because I never used it before so it was a challenge for me.

     I demonstrate the goals of this activity in the way that I used 3 animals, I followed the instructions of the tools that i had to used for this assignment and I gave the best of myself by playing all I could with those 3 animals. If I could do this assignment again I would do different the way I used the magic tool on that because I made some mistakes by painting over the original picture that I couldn't fix. On a scale from 1 to 10 I would rate myself a 10 because I really gave the  best of myself in this project and I did all I could to make it worth it and to make it looked realistic and I know I did some mistakes but those mistakes are what makes my project worth it and unique.