lunes, 8 de mayo de 2017

    Clone Wars

Reflection Questions

     The strongest part about my finished art piece is the composition I created with the pictures I chose to make this project, because I feel like every single one of these pictures give life to the whole picture. The visual area of my art piece that can be improve on is the way that my background looks, it just the way it is makes it unrealistic. The tools I used to create my art piece were: the layer mask, which I use it to hide my layers, the brush tool, which I used to paint my images, the color gradient (specifically the black and white) who had a fundamental part when I wanted to paint my clone and erase something,  the opacity, that helped me to locate the image in the closet way I could and the  move tool that help me to move my image, etc.

           The thing that was easy about this project was to choose the images I thought were more appropriate and had a hard chance to upstage another image, because for me was easy to just look at one picture and say that I wanted that one because I thought that in despite it was a creative image, it was actually a good one. The difficult part about this project was to paint every single image in the layers, because I had to be careful with each one of them and I had to be sure that my picture was looking realistic.

           I demonstrate every goal of this activity by respecting the directions I had to follow, I made it realistic, I had 5 clones in the same picture, I lighted up my background using the correctly tools and I tried to be careful to not upstage images. If I could do this project again, I would change the amount of clones I have, instead of 5 I would had made it more to make it looks more interesting and catchy. On a scale from 0 to 10 I would rate myself a 10 not because 10 is the best score it's just because I spent a lot of time trying to make it looked realistic and interesting, I spent a hard time trying to be careful with each layer and I feel like I really did the best of me in this assignment.

1 comentario:

  1. Effort: 4
    Composition: 4
    Correct application of LM:4
    Image Quality:3
    Reflection: 4
