martes, 28 de marzo de 2017



Actual image before converting into 3 different kaleidoscopes.

first kaleidoscope.

Second kaleidoscope.

kaleidoscope 3

Artist Reflection

     The strongest part of my finished art piece is the color contrast it has, because it contains different color mixes that can easily catch someone's attention. The part that can be improve on in my art piece is the symmetry. It can be improve on by being careful the next time I'm planning to create something that requires to be symmetric. 

          The tools I used to create my art piece were: the view guides tool, Basically I used this tool to create my rulers before starting my work. I used the polygon lasso tool and with it I just cut a part of the images I took into a triangle. With the free transform tool I play with my triangle, rotating, skewing, etc. I used the Elliptical marquee tool to make a circle in the middle of my image for later put a different color on it. The image adjustment tool helped me with the color and the different contrast of my images and also the filter and the filter gallery tool helped me to create some cool filters that could help me to make my project interesting. I used also the pen tool sometimes when I wanted to create a shape in the image for later create amazing things with it. The easiest part of this art activity was to take a image that I took and then put the rulers on it. That was the easiest part because it was easy to do and because after that on the things got more complicated.

      The difficult part of this art activity was to find a way in which all the ideas I had on mind could be represented with the same image by using differents designs. How I demonstrate each goal of this activity is in the way I respect the rule of thirds, I used my time wisely thinking how could I improve and make better my work; I made it unique, with the own ideas that I had on mind since the day I started thinking how could I do my project. If I could do this assignment again, I'd do different the way I mixed my dark colors with the light ones.  On a scale of 1-10 I would rate my effort with 10, not because 10 is the best, is just because I really worked and tried hard in my project. I spended days thinking how can I improve it and asking for help and I'm really happy with what I created because it was a product of all the effort I made.

martes, 7 de marzo de 2017

                                                                 DEMO V.V

viernes, 3 de marzo de 2017


                                        Reflection questions.

    The strongest part of my finished art piece is the color contrast. I think that because when I created my art piece, I played with different colors and contrast of all of them making my art piece flashier for the eyes of the people. The part of my art piece that can be improved on are those mistakes I made when I was using the brush tool that I couldn't solve them. The tools I used to crated my art piece are: The move tool, the brush tool (b), the gradient tool, the blur tool, the marquee tool (specifically the rectangular marquee tool), the text tool, the healing brush tool, the transform tool and the filters.

     I used these tools in these ways: first, I went to color gradient and I changed the color contrast that I wanted, and then I did a line to create my color background. With the text tool I typed the letter that I wanted and changed the size of it and then with the marquee tool I select the letter and moved it with the move tool in the place that I wanted the letter to be. With the transform tool I played rotating, skewing and inverting the letters. After all of that, I used the brush tool and went to the gradient tool and selected a color to use and paint the letter inside. I used the healing brush tool to correct some mistakes that I did while I was painting. With the blur tool I created opacity in one of my butterflies making my butterfly looks like something weird but fascinating among the rest of my composition, and finally I went to gallery filter and chose the filter that I thought it'd be better for my background and I chose another filter to be inside of the butterfly in which I used the blur tool. The thing that was easy about this art activity was to create the letter and change its size, because all I had to do was to go into the text tool, type the letter, change the size that I wanted and then write the letter on the mark.

     How I demonstrated each goal of this activity is in the way I respected the rule of thirds, I used my time wisely thinking and creating something special for my composition, and I made it unique with the ideas that I had on mind since the first day I started thinking how I'd wanted that my project would look like. I'd do differently the way I placed and I created my composition. Maybe I could have done something different that could attract more the eyes of some people. I would rate my effort with a 10, not because 10 is the best number, it's just because I really made everything that I could and I spent all the afternoons watching tutorials that I thought could help me to do my project better. I did everything that I could and I feel happy about it, because I really like my project and what I did, and  for being the first time using Photoshop I'm really proud about myself and what I created.